Surely, regular Impact readers recall the “Insurance Insights” article from the June/July 2017 issue (available online at, titled: “Key Exclusions on Your General Liability Policy, Part One of a Two-Part Series on Insurance Policy Exclusions.”

The title of the article implied a “Part 2” would follow, but, to date, Part 2 has been nowhere to be found. Part 2 was slotted for the September/October 2017 issue, but the story was shelved with good reason, to give a timely report on: “Lessons from Harvey, Irma and Maria – Three More Reminders to Fully Check Your Insurance Coverage.” Thereafter, the January/February 2018 Impact featured another timely article, “A Review of New York State Paid Family Leave,” which summarized the new law, effective in January of this year. Along the way, poor Part 2 of Insurance Policy Exclusions waited patiently, and now, without further delay, we present “Key Exclusions on Your Commercial Property Insurance Policy – Part 2 of a 2-part Series on Insurance Policy Exclusions!”

All businesses (including construction contractors/builders, condos, co-ops, apartment buildings, and property managers) typically maintain a Commercial Property insurance policy. Most carriers providing Commercial Property insurance utilize boilerplate policy language (published by Insurance Services Offi ce, Inc. [“ISO”]), which contains standard coverage and exclusion language, regardless of the type of business being insured.

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